BearAcade Self Adhering Sticky Poly™ Sheeting Film

BearAcade is a self-adhering sticky poly™ sheeting film. It is dedicated to improving safety, increasing speed and lowering cost in the abatement fields.
• Hand or machine application; machine application results in a 10 fold increase in the average square feet per hour; significant increase (2 fold) in the average number of criticals per hour.
• Contractors reduce overall costs, improving profits, and competitiveness to win more contracts.
• Does not fall from walls - stays up until the job is finished. No time lost reapplying a failed containment.
• Superior holding power. BearAcade films are fully coated with an adhesive designed for abatement conditions. Holds two times the negative pressure requirements for removal of asbestos.
• Eliminate “billowing” from wall and floors. Improves vision within the containment, eliminates accidental snagging of the billowing film with tools or equipment, and floors are less slippery than “billowed” floors.
• Improves clean up and vacuuming. Floor layers are bonded to each other resulting in a surface that is easily cleaned.
• Eliminates the need for spray adhesive primers during installation.
• No clean up of adhesive residue prior to repainting.
• Reduces damage to painted wallboard surfaces, reducing prep work prior to repainting.
• Superior seal quality of the overall containment. Fully coated sheets result in improved seal over the total containment. Conformance to asbestos abatement regulations.
• “The BearAcade Way™” was developed and tested by abatement contractors to insure real world performance.
• 6 Mil Multi-Surface / 48” x 200'
• 6 Mil Multi-Surface Fire Retardant / 48” x 200’